COVID-19 Update for Queensland Clubs & Facilities

Golf Australia is writing to provide further assistance and guidance to Queensland golf clubs and facilities regarding the Queensland Governments’ Stage 2 easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

To date Queensland Golf Clubs have done an amazing job in managing the strict restrictions in place due to COVID-19 which has allowed many golfers to have access the game they love through these extraordinary times. Golf Australia and our clubs/facilities must ensure that the Queensland Government requirements continue to be met to ensure that the risk of transmission continues to be minimised.

COVID Safe Industry Plans

From Friday 5 June, golf clubs and facilities operating under an approved COVID Safe Industry Plan will be allowed up to 20 patrons in multiple defined areas.

There is no need for golf clubs and facilities to prepare and lodge with government an individual COVID Safe Plans. Golf Clubs and facilities must adopt two (2) COVID-19 Industry Safe Plans:

  1. The Industry COVID Safe Plan for Queensland Hotels and Clubs
  2. The Industry COVID Safe Plan for Outdoor Sports
    1. This Plan is awaiting approval. Please continue to check- COVID Safe Industry Plan

Prior to operating under the new regulations, golf clubs must ‘opt in’ to the Plans by completing the Statement of Compliance included in each Plan.

Clubs must also ensure compliance with the Plan. Clubs are encouraged to complete the checklists within the Plans to ensure compliance.

Statement of Compliance-

Motorised Golf Buggies

Golf Australia has received confirmation from the Chief Health Officer through the Department of Justice and Attorney-General that effective immediately motorised buggies can be used in the same manner they were prior to the Covid-19 restrictions coming into effect, this includes two people sharing a cart that are not from the same household. Golf Clubs and Facilities are required to ensure motorised buggies are adequately cleaned and disinfected before each use.

The Industry COVID Safe Plan for Outdoor Sports Recommendations

The Industry COVID Safe Plan for Outdoor Sports is a generic sports plan. Golf Australia in conjunction with Golf Queensland provides the following COVID-19 Safe Plan Guidance for all golf clubs and facilities in Queensland to utilise. CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION

COVID-19 Stage 2 FAQ’s


If you have any further questions, please contact:

Luke Bates                                                       Dave Webber

Golf Australia QLD State Manager                  Clubs and Facilities Support Manager- QLD

0439 780 677                                                    0498 498 242

[email protected] ;                                            [email protected]