The BDLGA offers members the opportunity to compete for a District Brooch. All affiliated players from Clubs in the Brisbane District who hold a current GA handicap are eligible.

Brooches will be awarded to one winner in each division district wide (midweek or weekend).

The event will be played once a month on nominated days during the months of April through to September in conjunction with games as arranged by the Clubs.


Club Captains should submit the nominated dates to [email protected] by close of business on 31st March 2024.

Change of nominated date can only be approved in the case of course closure. Should a close of course occur on a nominated day, the District Secretary should be informed, and a change of date nominated in advance. If dates are not nominated in advance of play, the round will not count towards the awarding of the brooch.

Club Captains are responsible for submitting the completed form to the Secretary, BDLGA prior to 30th September each year.  Nominations for District Brooch - use this form

There is no requirement to send copies of scorecards with this form. However, clarification will be required e.g. proof of course closure, if nominated dates are changed.

Division for the Event - Daily Playing Handicap on the day:

                                                                                     Division 1 - 0-22 

                                                                                     Division 2 - 23-32 

                                                                                     Division 3 - 33-45 

ELIGIBLE SCORES: Aggregate of the best 3 Stableford scores in each division returned from Clubs nominated days of play.

It is suggested the event be played in conjunction with your first Stableford round of the month.

Player Changing Divisions:  In the event of a player changing divisions, the result will be determined in the division in which the two best of the three cards are recorded.

RETURNING SCORES:  Should be completed and forwarded to [email protected] by 30th September 2024.

TIES:  In the event of a tie at Club level, a playoff can determine the winner.

You may use THIS ONLINE FORM to submit results.

Alternatively, download, print and complete THIS FORM:  District Brooch RESULTS FORM 2024