Thank you for your patience and cooperation as the BDLGA navigates this unchartered era, regarding COVID-19.

We are following updated information hourly/daily and we will continue to keep our channels of communication open to our members at all times. The Prime Minister announced today a new indoor gathering limit of a four square metre rule, for gatherings of less than 100 people. We believe it would be difficult to follow this directive in our events, even though our sport is played outdoors. The well being of our members, and all connected to our golfing world, are our top priorities.

With this in mind, the Management Committee has voted to cancel the 2020 Pennant season, which is due to commence on Friday 17 April. We have not taken this decision lightly, and some of the considerations were (a) the inability for two people to ride in the same buggy, as this contravenes the ’self-distancing’ rule announced by the government today. Also, (b) ride sharing in cars to and from the venue and (c) advice from clubs that some of their members are withdrawing from Pennants and they are finding it difficult to field full teams.

At the same time, we are very aware of the generosity of so many Clubs in our District who have always supported our Pennant competition and given us tee times, free of charge, in their very busy season.

However, in the current situation, which has no precedence, we feel that the safety of all concerned with Pennants must be our top priority. Many of our players are in the demographic age group which places them at risk of being seriously ill, or worse, if they contract the disease.

The Committee appreciates your understanding in these difficult times.